
Istanbul Earthquake Workshop, December 2019

IMM Mayor Ekrem İMAMOĞLU’S Earthquake Workshop Speech

The “Istanbul Earthquake Workshop”, to which approximately 650 national and international experts/researchers and institutional representatives were invited in order to make Istanbul a disaster-resistant city, was held on 2-3 December 2019 at the Istanbul Congress Center. The workshop, where the effects of a possible earthquake in the city and the relevant solution proposals were discussed in detail, started with the opening speech of IMM Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu and was held with the participation of approximately 1200 people from 174 different institutions including IMM’s managers related to earthquake and urban transformation, national and international academicians, relevant ministries, governorships, institutes, non-governmental organizations, foundations, associations, professional groups in different disciplines and representatives of sectors.

During the workshop, 6 thematic headings (Disaster Risk Management; Emergency Management; Disaster Risk Analyses; Development of Disaster Risk Financing Capacity/Disaster Economy; Urban/Spatial Planning, Design, Renewal, Development; Protection of Ecosystem and Natural Resources and Climate Change Adaptation) determined in accordance with the principles declared in the ‘Sendai Framework Plan’ which was also taken into consideration by the United Nations Center for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) were discussed. In the panel sessions held on the first day; The current situation, international developments and scientific framework regarding the determined themes were presented, and in the round table sessions held on the second day, problems, solution proposals and projects related to the subjects were discussed.